The devotion for today is from "The Ruler of the Waves," a pamphlet by R.C. Ryle. I am currently reading this and much of what Ryle says strikes near and dear to my heart. I think his words are more apropos than what I could say to you today.
"I find a deep mine of comfort in this thought, that Jesus is perfect Man no less than perfect God. He in whom I am told by Scripture to trust is not only a great High Priest, but a feeling High Priest. He is not only a powerful Saviour, but a sympathizing Savior. He is not only the Son of God, mighty to save--but also the Son o f man, able to feel.
Who does now know that sympathy is one of the sweetest things to us in this sinful world? It is one of the bright seasons in our dark journey here below, when we can find a person who enters into our troubles, and goes along with us in our anxieties--who can weep when we weep, and rejoice when we rejoice.
Sympathy is far better than money, and far rarer too. Thousands can give who know not what it is to feel. Sympathy has the greatest power to draw us and to open our hearts. Proper and correct counsel often falls dead and useless on a heavy heart. Could advice often makes us shut up, shrink, and withdraw into ourselves, when tendered in the day of trouble. But genuine sympathy in such a day will call out all our better feelings, if we have any, and obtain an influence over us when nothing else can. Give me the friend who, though poor in gold and silver, has always ready a sympathizing heart.
Our God know all this well. He knows the very secrets of man's heart. He knows the ways by which that heart is most easily approached, and the springs by which that heart is mot readily moved. He has wisely provided that the Saviour of the Gospel should be feeling as well as mighty. He has given us one who has not only a strong hand to pluck us as brands from the burning, but a sympathizing heart on which the labouring and heavy-laden may find rest."
I hope this devotional encourages your hearts today. It did mine when I first read it. Jesus, our great Sympathizer, loves each and every one of you dearly and completely. Take your burdens to Him this day. His divine ear is ready to listen; HIs divine, and human heart, is ready to enter into your pain and suffering.
Be blessed.